We thought it might be a good idea in these difficult times when Morayvia and most other places are closed due to the lockdown to offer you a 'virtual visit' to Morayvia. Sadly, we are unlikely to re-open our centre in the near future.
Normally, as volunteers, we talk to visitors about our exhibits and give them stories and other additional information. In this Virtual Morayvia Experience some of our volunteers will talk about our exhibits and what it was like to operate them and their own experiences, illustrated by pictures or video. We will upload at least one item per week to our website from Monday 1 June onwards during lockdown and beyond, if possible.
Most of the speakers are ex aircrew or ground crew of our aircraft exhibits and have many years of experience between them and many stories to tell.
We hope you enjoy this Virtual Morayvia Experience and that you are able to visit us in the flesh when we open again.